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Other therapeutic care of Chinese medicine

Energy diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine

Understand the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine

The birth and development of both medicines took place in different historical and cultural environments, so each with its dominant ideology. The methods and techniques of treatment are different, we can not judge simply which is the best. As a patient, everyone can appropriate the two medicines according to his state of health; as a physician, everyone must humbly learn, and borrow the qualities of both medicines for his own use.

Modern medicine is influenced by mechanical materialism. It emphasizes the material dimension, it is based on biology and human anatomy. The treatment is based on the exploration of pathogenic sources, and emphasizes the fact of "curing", it is a passive prevention of diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine is derived from traditional Chinese culture, it is guided by simple materialism. For the treatment of diseases, she stresses the importance of the "Yang" (in French, "feed or recover", if you will), the focus is on the proactive prevention of diseases. This is the essential difference between the two medicines.

Modern medicine treat disease, traditional Chinese medicine cares for man.

Modern medicine relies on symptomatic treatment. Through a variety of inspection methods, it can be assumed that a part of the body has undergone a physiological change, one must simultaneously identify the pathogens that cause the disease, then use corresponding drugs or surgery. If the bacteria mutates or moves in the body, then other drugs or other body parts must be developed. Modern medicine aims to kill bacteria and eliminate the source of the disease.

Traditional Chinese medicine is different from modern medicine, and it respects the principle of "balance between Yin 阴 and Yang 阳". She argues that the cause of a disease is the imbalance of Yin and Yang within the human body or between man and his environment. The drugs of traditional Chinese medicine are intended to change the living conditions of the bacteria, rather than "kill" it directly. According to the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, the treatment of modern medicine can only solve the problem of the sick parties, and does not take into account the root causes of the disease. That is, the reasons why the patient is affected by this disease. The treatment of traditional Chinese medicine does not focus on the identification of pathogens related to diseases, it adjusts the balance of Yin and Yang inside the body, to improve the body's immune system and to stimulate the inherent potential of life, to bring into play the body's autonomous reparations forces, in order to finally achieve the goals of treatment. It can also be said that traditional Chinese medicine treats "the unknown by what is known", "heals man to achieve healing". This is perhaps the magic and the mystery of this medicine.

Other energy treatments of traditional Chinese medicine

Chinese traditional cupping
Suction therapy uses combustion to remove air from the reservoir, causing negative pressure, so that the container is adsorbed on certain areas of the body (places to be treated and acupuncture points). The invention relates to a method of treating congestion or localized congestion, and achieving the purpose of preventing and curing diseases and strengthening the body. Stamping, like acupuncture, is also a physical therapy, and cupping is one of the best treatments in physiotherapy. It is an old folk medicine, and children are also applicable. Also known as "cupping". There are cups, cans of gasoline, etc.
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